Graphic Design
boris at borisdevri dot es
Poster for the Free Shop at de Binnenpret.
I designed a book for my friend Cappy Jack in 2018.
Available here.
Size: US Letter
Signage for Amsterdam-Oost bar, Bar Joost.
A beer label designed for Vondelvrijstaat, a beer brewed by Amsterdam brewery Butcher's Tears, in collaboration with OCCII and Vondelbunker.
The beer was a tribute to the Vondelvrijstaat, when for a brief moment 1980 squatters reclaimed the city.
As part of a school assignment about Wim Crouwel in 2011, I made an alphabet based on his Hiroshima poster.
Some promotional work I made for shows my band Urban Grey played at.
Promo videos for my band Urban Grey.
In 2016, me and a friend organized an evening of weird music in Sexyland.
In 2014 I was asked by anarcho syndicalist labour union ASB to design a poster for their film nights.
Years ago, during an internship, I redesigned Wispe Bier's logo.
Flyers for my former band The Happy Demons